My Services

I can’t wait to read your manuscript and help you turn it into the best book possible! I provide feedback in a variety of ways. I can be a beta reader and give you feedback from a reader’s point of view. I can also complete a copyedit, which is a much more in-depth edit of your manuscript. I will provide a sample edit so you can decide if we are a good fit. I am also happy to have a Zoom meeting to discuss your expectations. Please see details below.

Beta Reading

I will read your manuscript and give general feedback. You will receive margin notes as well as a written report of my thoughts. I can answer any specific questions you have or read your manuscript with a specific focus in mind. We can also do a call to discuss your manuscript! This is not an editing service.



I will read your manuscript and look for grammatical issues and typos, as well as continuity errors. I will be checking that everything makes sense! Before we get started, I will provide a sample edit so we can both be clear on our editing expectations. You will receive a style sheet and an edited manuscript.


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